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Code of Ethics for Digital News Websites

Code of Ethics for Digital News Websites


All OutFable associates are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards in conducting company business. Each associate should act with integrity, comply with all applicable laws, and avoid actions driven by personal advantage or gain. This policy outlines expectations for ethical behavior in areas including:

  • Gifts, favors, entertainment, and payments given or received by associates.
  • Potential conflicts of interest.
  • Other related matters of corporate conduct.

General Policy Application

Gifts, Favors, and Payments by the Company

Gifts, favors, or payments at the company’s expense may only be given to others when they meet all of the following criteria:

  1. They are consistent with accepted business practices.
  2. They are limited in value and form, avoiding any perception of bribery or payoff.
  3. They are in compliance with applicable laws and ethical standards.
  4. If publicly disclosed, they would not embarrass the company.

Payments, commissions, or other compensation to benefit associates of customers (or their family members) that are not required by contract are strictly prohibited.

Gifts, Favors, Entertainment, and Payments Received by Associates

Associates may not seek or accept gifts, favors, entertainment, or personal loans from anyone doing or seeking to do business with the company, unless for legitimate business purposes. Exceptions include:

  • Permissible Courtesies:
    • Meals with vendors, including spouses, if offered by the vendor.
    • Small, commonly accepted gifts like calendars, pens, or pads.
    • Event tickets (sports, arts, etc.) if the vendor accompanies the associate, with prior approval from the appropriate company officer.
    • Overnight outings with prior approval, provided other companies or vendors are in attendance.
    • Holiday gifts such as perishable items (e.g., hams, cookies) are acceptable.
  • Prohibited Gifts and Entertainment:
    • Cash or cash equivalents, including stocks, are never acceptable.
    • Family participation in vendor-sponsored outings.
    • Personal use of vendor facilities, unless the vendor is present for the duration (limited to once a year with prior approval).

Management associates should not accept gifts from subordinates beyond limited value.

Conflicts of Interest

Associates must avoid situations that create, or appear to create, a conflict between their personal interests and the interests of the company. All potential conflicts must be disclosed to management in writing. Conflicts may include:

  1. Ownership of a significant interest in a business that competes with or does business with OutFable.
  2. Holding a position (director, officer, consultant) with an outside business that competes or does business with the company, unless approved by the CEO.
  3. Acting as an intermediary in any transactions involving the company.
  4. Personal or family relationships that could interfere with acting in the company’s best interest.

Confidential Information

Associates are prohibited from disclosing or using confidential information without proper authorization. This includes product data, business plans, and personnel information. Misuse of confidential information may result in disciplinary action, including immediate dismissal.


Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary actions, up to and including termination. Associates aware of policy violations must report them to management immediately. Company officers and vice presidents are responsible for ensuring compliance within their areas. For any questions, contact the Vice President of Human Resources.

Social Media Guidelines


In the digital age, social media carries immense responsibility. Whether using Twitter, Facebook, or other platforms, remember:

  1. Exercise good judgment: Assume everything you post is public and permanent.
  2. Act professionally: You represent OutFable, so maintain the same standards online as you would in the workplace.

Key Points:

  • Understand Social Media: Social media includes any platform for sharing content online, including social networks, blogs, forums, or any digital communication, whether personal or professional.
  • Respect Company Policies: Ensure that your posts comply with all company policies, particularly regarding discrimination, harassment, and unlawful content. Violations may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
  • Personal Responsibility: You are accountable for what you post. Once shared, your posts may remain public, even if deleted. OutFable is not liable for errors or omissions in your digital content.
  • Speak for Yourself: When posting about OutFable or its business contacts, clearly state that your opinions are personal and do not represent the company.
  • Be Respectful: Avoid malicious or defamatory comments about coworkers or business partners. Content that promotes hostility or violates the privacy of others is prohibited. This policy does not restrict legally protected speech, such as discussions about wages or working conditions.
  • Be Honest: Ensure that information you share is accurate. If you make an error, correct it promptly.
  • Respect Confidentiality: Do not disclose sensitive company information or share copyrighted or private materials without proper authorization. Always comply with the legal terms governing the platforms you use.
  • Report Concerns: If you witness any social media conduct that violates company policy, report it to Human Resources. Retaliation against employees who report concerns or cooperate in investigations is prohibited.


OutFable enforces a zero-tolerance policy on plagiarism. Associates must always attribute sources properly and produce original work.


Journalistic integrity is crucial at OutFable. Reporters must seek to present both sides of a story, providing those subject to accusations a fair opportunity to respond. All stories should aim to provide a balanced and accurate account.


By following these guidelines, OutFable strives to maintain a culture of integrity, responsibility, and respect in all business and communication activities.

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