This policy explains guidelines in the publication process of the OutFable digital news platform. OutFable, specifically, adopts and strives to adhere to the standards and requirements:
Freedom Opinion and Expression
Freedom of opinion and expression is our fundamental constitutional right that includes the right to receive, hold and impart opinions and information. OutFable shall, to this end, reserve the right to report or publish freely for access to public information.
OutFable is committed to producing quality and responsible journalism and does believe in openness, impartiality, integrity, and independence to meet the highest standards.
We believe that the reputation of OutFable, the respect, and the career of staffers depend on upholding shared journalistic values because we believe to be right, to be transparent, to be fair, to be accountable, and to obey the law.
Editorial Mission
The editorial mission of OutFable is to tell or disseminate the truth. We practice this through independent and honest journalism that serves audiences who are engaged and focused on demanding authenticity and truth.
OutFable represents a unique voice and shares a passion for fostering a trusted relationship with its audiences through original and fearless journalism. Moreover, OutFable tells the readers/audiences what we know, where, and how we know it. This means that we are open.
We inform, expose, untangle, and above all, we tell the truth as we see it by writing with intellect and boldness and that too transparently and honestly.
OutFable’s impact lies in specific and plain-spoken truth by informing and empowering our audiences/readers. More candidly, in telling stories that others do not because we believe that trust is an inherent good. Therefore, we focus on the honesty and accuracy of all we write and say.
A submitted news/article is confidential. OutFable will not disclose any submitted news/article to anyone except editorial staff or corresponding authors. However, in any suspected cases of misconduct, a copy may be discussed with the editorial team.
Misconduct means the violation of the editorial policy, ethics, or any guidelines specified by Pavilion Media. Any activities that compromise or threaten the integrity of the publication process are labeled as misconducts. Any cases of misconduct will be investigated according to the organization’s policy.
OutFable maintains honesty with our readers/audiences about what we write, disseminate, and open about our perspectives.
Accuracy and updating
In the pursuit of truth, it requires accuracy in what we write or say. We are responsible for every accuracy of our published output.
OutFable verifies information before publishing news or a report. We focus on using original sources where possible.
In reality, we are always up against deadlines, and new information may become available, but errors of omission, partial truths and missing context dent our credibility.
We update news and information where necessary to ensure accuracy as we believe that any missing context will dent our credibility.
We correct our errors, if any, as soon as we become aware of them. Most importantly, we follow our Style Guide.
Anonymous sources
OutFable does not prefer writing and publishing information attributed to anonymous sources. However, at times, we do it to ensure the news sources’ identity, privacy and discretion for specific reasons because there are certain times when anonymous sourcing is unavoidable.
We, however, avoid completely anonymously-sourced stories, except for some exceptional cases. For this, reporters are required to take the consent from the Editors, and sometimes even legal counseling to avoid any unfortunate circumstances.
However, we at OutFable make every effort to confirm the information provided anonymously. We also honor the commitment of anonymity with the source.
Our goal is to present or disseminate the truth as we know it, not to appease anybody. We make sure that we do not omit any crucial points of major importance in the information which means that the information should include fairness and relevance.
We make every effort to allow an individual or an organization to respond or come up with evidence if they feel being seriously criticized or defamed. OutFable recognizes a greater right to privacy of individuals.
OutFable believes in using simple and understandable language. We, therefore, write in a conversational style.
Legal issues
We consult with the editorial management and seek legal counsel from OutFable Media’s lawyer if we come across problems or concerns that might put the company and staff at legal risk. We ensure that we do not disseminate any claims or information that would defame an individual or an organization or any issues relating to privacy or intellectual property.
OutFable neither commits favorable coverage in return for co-operation, including news sources’, nor threatens uncooperative sources. We also do not exaggerate our sources.
The editorial team of OutFable undertakes decisions about what to write about and how to undertake the task. Advertisers cannot have an influence over the coverage so as to uphold the freedom of the press as OutFable was established to safeguard and promote a democratic culture through objective reporting, free expression of opinion as well as a critical debate to assist in nation-building by using advanced technology and professional expertise.
Conflicts of interest
OutFable mostly avoids sending reporters on sponsored trips or junkets to avoid any suspicion of swap as some trips are intended to secure favorable coverage. We send our reporters on our own expenses as we do not want to compromise our integrity by sending them on such junkets. This means that we follow the guidelines of refusing gifts or favors that may damage our credibility.
OutFable avoids involvement in any partisan causes that could compromise the ability to report fairly.
Investigative Journalism
OutFable believes investigative journalism as an integral part of journalism to ensuring a corrupt-free society.
Code of Practice
Editors at OutFable are responsible for the use of the materials submitted by journalists employed by the company.
OutFable stands on the principle that every individual is equal before the law and will not be swayed by any political, social, or economic prejudices.
Reporters at OutFable will not normally photograph or interview children under the age of 18 on subjects that involve the personal welfare of the child without the consent of a parent/guardian.
School children will not be interviewed or photographed while at school sans the permission of the school authorities.
Victims of r*pe or se*ual harassment
OutFable will not reveal the identity of r*pe victims or victims of s*xual violence without their consent.